163 Gabe Nelson: How to Utilize a Financial Advisor

Rob Oliver talks with Gabe Nelson about how to utilize a financial advisor in this episode of the Learning from Smart People Podcast. Gabe specializes in helping entrepreneurs and solopreneurs understand finances and set themselves up to live the life they want. In addition to being a financial advisor, he is a father and husband. Throughout this episode, he talks about how to build a relationship with your financial advisor and the benefits that come with that relationship both personally and professionally.

Here are some of the topics covered as Gabe Nelson and Rob Oliver talk about how to utilize a financial advisor:

· How a financial advisor can help you achieve Freedom!
· Gabe’s business is all about relationships, that keeps it from being boring
· Your financial advisor is a guide on the business journey
· Sometimes, people need help to figure out what their actual goals are
· It starts with a “vision for life”
· Once you determine where you want to go with your life, you can get it organized to layout the path to that destination
· Take an opportunity to slow down and think about your business and your life
· If you are just getting by, take a look at your expenses and your rates
· All you need to have to start a relationship with a financial advisor is an idea of where you want to go
· It is about building the “know, like, trust” factor
· COVID has provided an opportunity for many creative people to pursue their passion
· Adversity is opportunity in disguise
· Using a “Life Wheel” to determine where you are and where you want to go
· It is imperative to have a purpose with everything you do
· Utilizing a “defined benefit plan”
· The client is ultimately the one in charge of steering where things go
· A financial advisor can also provide input on your business structure and organization

You can find out more about Gabe Nelson and his book through his website and social media links below:

Website: https://www.gabenelsonfinancial.com/
Website: http://solopreneurmoney.com
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Solopreneurs-Money-Manifesto-Master-Finances-ebook/dp/B09NS1ZG5P
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabenelsoncfp/

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